The tag cloud (thanks Tag Crowd) is showing a trend towards celebrity & crime as major headline topics. Although this is reflective of the nation's zeitgeist, it's too early to really spot patterns. The current tag set has been heavily influenced by the cancer of reality TV star Jade Goody and also the terrible child abuse case of "BabyP".
Feedburner tells me there's a disappointing 3 people subscribed via RSS. Particularly sad as one of them is me.
Google Analytics shows 583 unique visits with a steadily increasing daily hit rate which is really pleasing.
Traffic is mostly coming from Google searches for obvious things like "famous headlines", "sun headlines" and some specific headlines such as "Freddie Starr Ate My Hamster"
Top content:
1. The classic "Up yours Delors" - 74 page views.
2. 11th Feb 2009 "Scumbag Millionaires" - 64 views
3. The Classics section - 54 views
4. The classic "Freddie Starr Ate my Hamster"
All in all, I'm enjoying this.
It's worth saying that I have absolutely nothing to do commercially with The Sun at all - I just like the headlines.
Thanks for reading. Let me know if you have any thoughts.
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